Monday 25 November 2013

jpg @ brooklyn

i went to the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum a few weeks ago. i'm so glad i didn't miss the experience after seeing so many friends go. my favourite part was the way they managed to make all their mannequins look like talking people. (they had blank mannequin faces and used a projector to project a moving/speaking face, so simple but neat!!) 
here are a few photos i grabbed:

ok so few pictures. i don't even know if i am allowed to post them so... let's hope it's okay.

and here are some horrible quality outfit photos i managed to save/find hahahaha 
shoes: lucky brand
bracelet: topshop

you can tell i was just trying a million diff photo apps and effects on all my photos loll

top: wingfree for SYM
shorts: free people
shoes: BCBGeneration 

 shoes: zara
not even an outfit, you can just see the boots and coat i am so bad at outfit photography :(